If you want to rent apartment in Tehran in Elahiyeh area, this post is for you. This furnished apartment is located in Elahiyeh area.
Lets see this furnished apartment in Tehran Elahiyeh for rent. The apartment is located in the middle part of Elahiyeh area. The owner has 100 % designed this apartment or his personal usage but due to change of plans it is ready for rent.
The overall design and atmosphere of the apartment is Modern. In the living room you see a 3 sets of very casual sofas. One of the sofas have a grey color. All the sofas and tables are in match with the modern rugs in the apartment. In the kitchen you have very modern style equipment. All the cabinets are in white colors. Therefore the size of kitchen looks bigger.
For rent apartment in Elahiyeh Tehran, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.
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