If you want to rent apartment in Tehran in Farmanieh area, this post is for you. This furnished apartment is located in Farmanieh area.
Lets check this furnished apartment in Tehran Niavaran. The apartment is located in the middle part of Farmanieh. the building has only 6 units. There is 1 unit per floor. Firstly, At the beginning there is a green area. The building has good accessibility to Farmanieh street.
Secondly, At the entrance of the apartment you have the kitchen area in front of you. At bedrooms and the living room area is on the right side. The TV room and 1 bedroom is on the left side. In the living room the owner has put classical furniture. In addition, the flooring is light brown parquet. The kitchen is completely renovated. All the cabinet have a white color wooden style. Moreover, The kitchen has butch electrical devices.
In the master bedroom there is a king size bed. Moreover, The bathroom has a big bathtub. Finally, the bathrooms are all remodeled with high end material.
For rent apartment in Farmanieh Tehran, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.
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