If you want to rent apartment in Tehran in Jordan area, this post is for you. This furnished apartment is located upper part of Jordan area.
This building is located in the upper part of Joran street. The building consist of five floor, 2 units per floor. All of the units are being rented exclusively to expatriates. The furnished apartments are all 135 Sq., meters with 3 bedrooms.
Since the building is located in the west part of Jordan street, so you have access to both Jordan and Valiasr. You can also consider going to Mellat park, since the alley is close-bye. The alley is rather quiet and a little steeped. When you enter the building you have a tiny garden at the beginning plus the entrance to the garage.
In terms of Facilities inside the building, this furnished apartment in Tehran Jordan, has a nice swimming pool. You can also enjoy spending your time in the sauna and jacuzzi. Even though the lobby is not big enough and there is no lobby man, But the building has a 24 hour janitor. There is a small gym with some equipment in the -1 floor as well.
Now let’s check the inside! The layouts of the apartments are very similar. At the entrance, you can see the kitchen almost in front of you. The kitchen is filled with different cutleries. On the right side you have the living room, with good natural light. One of the bedrooms is quite big with one big jacuzzi inside the bathroom.
Now let’s check out some facilities nearby this furnished apartment in Tehran.
For rent apartment in Jordan Tehran, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.
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