If you are looking for rent villa in Tehran , this post is for you. This Villa in Tehran is in lower part of Elahiyeh area.
Firstly this villa is critically close to Modarres highway. The villa consists of 3 units altogether. This unit is on the 1st floor. The owner of this villa style apartment has thoroughly renovated the interior of his unit. Now you have a pretty mod4ern kitchen with white high glass cabinets. In landlord has also implemented modern style sofas all over the apartment. But its worth to say that the amount of sofas in this villa style apartment is minimal. In the kitchen there is a lovely 4 seat breakfast table. On the other hand the landlord has properly renovated all the bathrooms as well.
Our website, www.tehranoffers.com is a good source for Tehran Real Estate, Especially properties for expatriates in Tehran.
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