If you want apartment for rent in Tehran in Niavaran area, this post is for you. This furnished apartment is located upper part of Niavaran area.
Lets see this furnished apartment in Tehran Niavaran area for rent. Firstly, this apartment is on the 6th floor of the building. There are only 1 unit per floor in this building. The apartment has a space of 360 Sq. meters with 4 bedrooms. There are 4 bathrooms in this apartment. Moreover, Amongst the bedrooms, 2 of them area master bedrooms. The main furniture in this apartment are classical. In the main master bedroom, there is big bathroom with bathtub and slower. The color combination in the kitchens and bathrooms area golden and black. Additionally, there is a big terrace which connects 3 bedrooms together.
For rent apartment in Niavaran Tehran, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.
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