If you want to rent apartment in Tehran in Jordan area, this post is for you. This furnished apartment is located upper part of Kamranieh area.
Furnished apartment in Tehran Kamraniyeh area ready to be rented. The area of Kamraniyeh is in north east of Tehran. It is very close to Italian school in Tehran which goes by the name of Pietro Della Valle Italian School.
The apartment is 3 bedrooms with 200 Sq. meters space. When you enter the apartment you have the living room area on the right side of the entrance. All the flooring is of the beautiful white stones. The owner has put together some casual sofas in the apartment in grey color. The over all atmosphere of the apartment is casual. Since the apartment is on the 8th floor you have very good view of the mountain.
For rent apartment in Kamranieh Tehran, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.
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