If you are looking for furnished apartment for rent in tehran , this post is for you. This apartment in tehran for rent is in Shahrak e Gharb area.
This apartment has an area of 180 Sq. meters. There are 3 bedrooms in this apartment The apartment is on the 1st floor with 1 unit per floor. You have good amount of natural sunlight in the bedrooms. The owner has put together mostly classical sofas in items in this apartment.
Apartment in brief
- 180 Sq. meters area
- 3 bedrooms
- 1st floor with 1 unit per floor
- 1.5 bathrooms
- 1 garage
- 18 years old building
- Classical style furniture
Our website, www.tehranoffers.com, is a good source for Housing in tehran ,especially properties for expatriates in Tehran.