If you are looking for Tehran apartments for rent , this post is for you. This furnished apartment in Tehran is in Velenjak area.
Firstly, this apartment has classical style. The space of the apartment is around 220 Sq. meters with 3 bedroom. One of the bedroom is master by the way. Its on the 2nd floor with 2 units per floor. When you enter the apartment, a small corridor will lead you to the living room and TV room area. These to area are connected to each other All the flooring of this apartment is of parquets. Moreover in the living room area you have classical style sofas in Orange color. Finally, there is 2.5 bathrooms in this apartment.
Details of this apartment in brief
- 220 Sq. meters
- 3 bedrooms
- 2.5 Bathrooms
- 2nd floor with 2 units per floor
- 1 garage
- Parquet flooring
- Separate TV room with L shape sofa
- Wooden kitchen
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