If you are looking for rent apartment in Tehran , this post is for you. This apartment in Tehran is in lower part of Elahiyeh area.
This apartment has a space of 300 Sq. meters. There are 3 bedrooms in this apartment. As you enter the apartment you have a big living room area with modern style furniture. The owner has purchased all the sofas from famous European brands. There is a 10 seat black dining table at the corner of the living room. On the left side of the living room you have a fully modern kitchen. All the kitchen appliances are from Bosch brand. There is also a big terrace on this side of the apartment.
Additionally, the owner has devised a big wardrobe in the master bedroom. You have an amazing bathtub in the bathroom of this room as well. All the bathrooms have glass windows. Moreover in terms of common areas, you have an amazing roof garden in this apartment.
Apartment in brief
- 300 Sq. meters area
- Modern style apartment
- 4 bedrooms
- 2 master bedroom
- Fully renovated and remodeled
- 3.5 bathrooms
- 2nd floor with 2 unit per floor
- 7 years old
- 3 garages
- TV room
Our website, www.tehranoffers.com, is a good source for Tehran apartment rentals ,especially properties for expatriates in Tehran.