If you want apartment in Tehran for rent in Jordan area, this post is for you. This furnished apartment in Tehran is in Jordan area.
Lets check this amazing furnished apartment in Jordan area. When you enter the apartment you have the living rom area on the left side you. The landlord has put 2 sets of casual sofas in the living room area. One set in green color and one set dark grey color. Additionally, there is nice dining table with light creamy color in the lining room area. The overall design of the apartment is contemporary. On the other hand, in the kitchen, you have all the kitchen utensils.
Moreover, there are 3 bedrooms in this apartment. On the bedrooms is a master bedrooms. There are 2.5 bathrooms in this apartment totally. The owner has also renovated all the bathrooms with high end materials.
For Tehran apartment rental, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.