If you want apartment for rent Tehran , this post is for you. This furnished apartment in Tehran is in Mahmoodiyeh area.
Lets see this furnished apartment in Tehran Mahmoodiyeh in walking distance of Palladium shopping center. This apartment is 180 Sq. meters with 3 bedrooms. One of the bedroom as master bedroom. The apartment is located on 8 the floor . each floor consists of 2 units. Since it is on the top floor you have a good view of north and of Vali Asr street. The apartment has one parking space.
When you enter the apartment, On the left part you have the living room area. There are classical furniture in the living room. You can easily witness the high amount of natural light in the apartment. On the right side we have the kitchen which is connected to the living room as well. On the other hand the kitchen has modern style with simple white color cabinets. In the TV room area You have big window with the view of Vali Asr street. Tv room has a set of casual sofa. The owner has decorated the TV room area with light grey wallpaper.
One of the bedroom is master. You have very good natural light in the bedrooms as well in this furnished apartment in Tehran Mahmoodiyeh. Although the apartment is only 180 Sq. meters, But it seems to be bigger because of good lay out.
For Tehran apartments, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.