If you are looking for Tehran apartments for rent , this post is for you. This furnished apartment in Tehran is in upper part of Mahmoodiyeh area.
Lets see this furnished apartment in Tehran Mahmoodiyeh for rent. The tower is very close to Vali Asr street as well. Therefore, The accessibility to Tajrish Square and Zafaraniyeh street is good. The Tower is famous for hosing so many diplomats from different countries.
The tower has a 3000 Sq. meters green area in its common area. There are parasols and pergolas in the green yard area. The tower has 4 elevator lines and 24 hour lobby man with security cameras in place.
Lets go inside the apartment. The apartment is on 5th floor. There are only 2 units on this floor. When you enter the apartment you have a big living room area with good quality furniture. On the left side, you have the kitchen and laundry room. Moreover, in the kitchen you have the view of north. In addition, In the Tv room area you have a nice casual sofa in red and creamy color. There are 3 big balconies in this apartment with the view north and east. The owner has placed furniture mainly with casual style in this apartment.
There are 4 bedrooms in this apartment. One of the bedrooms is a master bedroom. There are 3 bathrooms altogether in this apartment. Finally, This furnished apartment in Tehran Mahmoodiyeh would be great for a family who like Mahmoodiyeh and Zafaraniyeh areas.
Our website, www.tehranoffers.com is a good source for Tehran Real Estate, Especially properties for expatriates in Tehran.