If you want apartment in Tehran for rent in Molla Sadra area, this post is for you. This furnished apartment in Tehran is located in Molla Sadra area.
In this I would like to introduce you to a new apartment in Molla Sadra area. When you enter the apartment you have the living room area o the left side of you. In the living room yo have casual sofas in black color. The sofas have a leather like covers. The owner has also put together dining tables and counsels in black and grey color. The whole atmosphere of the apartment is minimal and modern. Moreover, The kitchen looks really on point with black and white cabinets. The landlord has tried to design the kitchen with modern high end materials.
Additionally, one of the bedrooms is a master bedroom. In the master bedroom you have a good bathtub. The design of the bathrooms is minimal as well.
feature of this apartment in brief
- 180 Sq. meters
- 3 bedrooms
- 1 master bedroom
- new building
- modern style
- casual sofas
- bathtub in the master bedroom bathroom
- Modern kitchen
For Tehran apartment rental, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.