If you want apartment in Tehran for rent in Molla Sadra area, this post is for you. This furnished apartment in Tehran is located in Yousef Abad area.
This apartment is in one of the most famous residential towers in Tehran. The name of tower is Tehran International Tower. It’s the tallest residential tower in Iran with totally 56 stories. This apartment is on the 23rd floor. There are 4 units on this floor. In terms of common areas, this tower has the whole package. There are swimming pools sauna jacuzzi which is quite normal for every tower. On the other hand this tower does have tennis courts basketball court and a very good gym.
The general style of the apartment is classical. The owner has put together high quality furniture with black color. There is also an small amount of golden color in design of this apartment. The whole flooring of this apartment is from wooden parquets.
For Tehran apartment rental, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.