If you are looking for Tehran rental apartments , this post is for you. This furnished apartment Tehran is in upper part of Yousef Abad area.
This apartment is inside one of the most famous residential towers in Tehran. The name of tower is Tehran International Tower. It’s the tallest residential tower in Iran with totally 56 stories. This apartment is on the 45th floor in this tower. There are only 2 units on this floor. In terms of common areas, this tower has the whole package. There are swimming pools sauna Jacuzzi which is quite normal for every tower. On the other hand this tower does have tennis courts basketball court and a very good gym.
When you enter the apartment, you will instantly sense a sport and casual style in sofas and other furniture. The owner has put together casual sofas in blue, white and orange colors.
Apartment in brief
- Inside a well known tower
- right now semi furnished (will be fully furnished according to the tast3 of the potential client)
- 45st floor
- great view of the city
- amazing natural light in the living room and bedrooms
- fully automatic bathrooms functioning
- complete renovation in details of the apartment
For Tehran apartment, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.