If you want to apartment in Tehran for rent in Zafaraniyeh area, this post is for you. This furnished apartment in Tehran is located upper part of Zafaraniyeh area.
Lets check this furnished apartment in Tehran, Zafaraniyeh area. The apartment has a space of 180 Sq. meters with 3 bedrooms. The apartment is on the 5th floor with 2 units per floor. When you enter the apartment, you have the living room area on your right side. Basically, the landlord has put together casual sofas in light grey and brown color in the living room. Moreover, There is a big window in the living rom area, which allows the sunlight to come in completely.
On the left side you have the kitchen area. The kitchen poses cabinets in wooden color. Additionally, there is small space as for laundry room , which at the moment the washing machine is there. The apartment does have a bathtub which is an important point specially for Japanese and Korean clients.
For Tehran apartment rental, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.