If you want apartment for rent Tehran , this post is for you. This furnished apartment in Tehran is in Zafaraniyeh area.
Firstly, this apartment is very close to the main street of Zafaraniyeh, which is Moghaddas Ardebili street. The accessibility to Palladium shopping center is very good. The building has 10 stories. In terms of common areas, it has a big Lobby plus 24 hour lobby men. There is a big swimming pool with sauna and Jacuzzi in the minus floors. Additionally, there is also a good gym in the common area.
When you enter the apartment, you have the living room area on the left side of you. In the living room area, the owner has put together wooden classical sofas. The bathroom has a minimal design, with all the neccassiry electrical equipment.
For Tehran apartments, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.