If you want to apartment for rent in Tehran in Elahiyeh area, this post is for you. This furnished apartment is located in Elahiyeh area.
Here is 3 bedroom furnished apartment in Tehran Elahiyeh area ready for rent. The apartment is on the 3rd floor of this building with 2 units per floor. Generally, the apartment has a classical sofa. You can see the wooden elements all over the design of this apartment. Moreover, the landlord has properly renovated the apartment. He has renovated the flooring with white ceramics. The owner has also renovated the kitchen with wooden cabinets. Additionally, There is lovely dining table with light brown chairs in the living room area.
There are w small balconies in this apartment as well. In the master bedroom there is nice jacuzzi like bathtub.
For rent apartment in Elahiyeh Tehran, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.