If you are looking for furnished apartment for rent in tehran , this post is for you. This apartment in tehran for rent is in Farmanieh area.
This apartment has an area of 130 Sq. meters. There are 2 bedrooms in this apartment The apartment is on the 1st floor with 2 unit per floor. As you enter the apartment you see this one is really different in terms of design and atmosphere. The owner has personally customized this apartment in Moroccan style. This unit would be lovely for clients who are fond of this style. The lessor has done many handmade revisions in the kitchens and bathrooms. The owner has put together mostly traditional sofas in items in this apartment. Moreover, there are 2 dedicated small yards for this unit as well.
Apartment in brief
- 130 Sq. meters area
- 2 bedrooms
- 1st floor with 2 unit per floor
- 1.5 bathrooms
- 1 garage
- 12 years old building
- Casual style furniture
- Parquet Flooring
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