If you want to apartment for rent in Tehran in Molla sadra area, this post is for you. This furnished apartment is located in Molla Sadra area.
Lets check this furnished apartment in Molla sadra area. The apartment has a space of 145 Sq. meters, with 3 bedrooms. The apartment is on the 5th floor, with 1 unit per floor. The age of this building is 10 years old. Even though the building is not new, The owner has completely renovated the flooring. He has implemented with brown parquets. A part of the design of the walls is a brick façade wallpapers. The owner has put together casual sofas in brown color in the living room area. There is a lovely terrace in this apartment as well. Moreover, you see beautiful flower boxes in the terrace.
For rent apartment in Molla Sadra Tehran, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.