If you want apartment for rent in Tehran in Saadat Abad area, this post is for you. This furnished apartment is located in Middle part of Saadat Abad area.
Lets check this furnished apartment in Tehran Saadat Abad area for rent. The apartment has a space of 140 Sq. meters with 2bedrooms. The apartment is on the second floor with 2 units per floor. The landlord has decorated the walls with creamy and red wallpapers. The floor covering of the apartments is light brown parquets. The TV room and living room is just next to each other.
The main sofas in this apartment is simple and casual style. The sofas in the living room area is light creamy color. There is a small balcony in the kitchen with the view of the west of the city.
For rent apartment in Saadat Abad Tehran, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.