If you want to apartment for rent in Tehran in Saadat Abad area, this post is for you. This furnished apartment is located in upper part of Saadat Abad area.
Lets see this furnished apartment in Tehran Saadat Abad area in a tower which ready for rent. This apartment is on the 6th floor of the tower. Therefore the view from the windows and balconies area amazing. The tower has only 1 unit on this floor, which is rare. Moreover, in the common areas of the apartment you have swimming pool sauna jacuzzi and roof garden.
Inside the apartment
Lets check inside of this furnished apartment in Tehran Saadat Abad area. On the left side of the entrance we have there is a big living room area. In this section there is a big terrace. You can easily arrange the terrace with sofa sets. By the way, the terrace has a view of the south. in the middle of this apartment the kitchen is clear. The kitchen has an island lay out. The owner has put together high end electrical devices in the kitchen. In addition, The widows of the kitchen gives you a nice view of the city. On the right side of the kitchen, You will se a well decorated TV room. There is a small cute area for library as well.
Moreover, on the right side of the entrance you have the bedroom corridor. There are totally for bedrooms in this apartment. Basically, 2 bedrooms are master bedroom in this apartment. Two of the bedrooms give you a southern view and the other two will give you mountain view. Finally, it is worth mentioning that the size of the bedrooms are the big advantage in this apartment.
For rent apartment in Saadat Abad Tehran, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.