If you are looking for apartments for rent in tehran iran for foreigners , this post is for you. This tehran apartment for rent is in Saadat Abad area.
This apartment has an area of 168 Sq. meters. There are 3 bedrooms in this apartment The apartment is on the 1st floor with 2 units per floor. There is also a balcony in the master bedroom. The lessor has turned one of the bedrooms into an office room with table and chair. You have good amount of natural sunlight in the bedroooms.
Apartment in brief
- 168 Sq. meters area
- 3 bedrooms
- 6th floor with 2 units per floor
- 2.5 bathrooms
- 1 garage
- Balcony
- 9 years old building
- Good view of the city
Our website, www.tehranoffers.com, is a good source for Tehran rental ,especially properties for expatriates in Tehran.