If you are looking for apartments for rent in tehran iran for foreigners , this post is for you. This tehran apartment for rent is in Zafaraniyeh area.
This apartment has an area of 240 Sq. meters. This building is among the brand buildings in Zafaraniyeh area with a famous architect. There are 3 bedroom in this apartment. There are 24 hours lobby men working in shift in this building. In terms of common areas, you have swimming pool sauna jacuzzi in the -2 floor. There is also a very well equipped gym in this building. This apartment is on the 3rd floor with 2 units per floor.
Apartment in brief
- 240 Sq. meters area
- 3 bedrooms
- 3rd floor with 2 unit per floor
- 2.5 bathrooms
- 2 garages
- good light
- swimming pool sauna jacuzzi
- gym
Our website, www.tehranoffers.com, is a good source for Tehran rental ,especially properties for expatriates in Tehran.