If you are looking for Rent building in Tehran , this post is for you. This Building in Tehran for rent is in middle part of Gandhi area.
This building is located in lower part of Vanak square. There are 2 minus floor in this building. The -1 floor is particularly good for parking spaces. There are 2 separate entrances as well, one for car and one for individuals.
The Building has 6 stories. Each floor contains 3 units. There are 2 bedrooms in each apartment . There is a medium size kitchen in all units. There are 1.5 bathrooms in each unit. Additionally, just beside the elevator, you have emergency stairs.
Building in Tehran in brief
- Independent Building
- 2 units per floor
- 19 units totally
- 38 bedrooms
- 19 bathrooms
- Good access to Vanak square and Haghani Highway
- Kitchen and bathroom in each floor
- 20 parking spaces
- 15 years old
For Tehran apartment, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.