If you want to rent apartment in Tehran in Zafaraniyeh area, this post is for you. This furnished apartment is located upper part of Zafaraniyeh area.
Furnished apartment in Tehran Zafaraniyeh area available for rent. The building is located close to Saad Abad palace. The building itself is a very private building with only one unit per floor.
The apartment has a big living room area in 2 levels. Moreover, In the living room the owner has put together a combination of classical and casual furniture. The living room is big enough for throwing parties and gathering of big size. Finally, in the sitting room salon you have a 8 seats dining table with golden color.
Main features of the apartment
- Basically, a combination of classical and casual sofa
- High security
- big size living room
- diplomatic location
- mostly, Private neighborhood
For rent apartment in Zafaraniyeh Tehran, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.