If you want to rent apartment in Tehran in Zafaraniyeh area, this post is for you. This Semi-furnished apartment is located upper part of Zafaraniyeh area.
A 240 Sq. meters apartment in Tehran Zafaraniyeh for rent. This apartment is located upper part of Zafaraniyeh. The apartment is located on 5th floor building. each floor has 2 unites. The apartment has a big living room area. Since the apartment has wide windows the natural light inside is quite good. Although this apartment is 12 years old this unit is completely renovated. This building has swimming pool sauna and Jacuzzi. On the other hand there is ping pong table and small gym in the building.
The kitchen is open beside the living room area. The owner has renovated all the cabinets and the fixtures in the kitchen. All the lighting systems in the apartment is changed and replaced with modern lighting. Since the apartment is on 5th floor, The apartment has a very nice view of north and south. Thw owner has proposed the option of furnishing this apartment in Tehran Zafaraniyeh as well.
For rent apartment in Zafaraniyeh Tehran, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.