If you are looking for rent villa in Tehran , this post is for you. This Villa for rent in Tehran is in upper part of Shahrak e Gharb area.
In this post we review As you enter the yard of villa, you have a beautiful green area on the left side of you. On the right side, there is the entrance which goes down to parking area. This villas has 3 floors. There are totally 5 units in this villa. Some units have 3 bedrooms and some 1 bedroom. It has 650 Sq. meters space. The area of the land is also around 850 Meters. This villa would be both appropriate for the residency of an ambassador or Chancery.
On the ground floor, you have a 3 bedrooms unit. The owner has renovated all the flooring of the villa with white brown parquets. On the other side of the ground floor, you have the kitchen.
On the second level area you have 3 one bedroom units. All the units have there own bathroom and kitchenet. On the third level, you have 1 three bedroom unit and 1 one bedroom unit. Moreover, on the second and third level you have 2 big terraces as well. From the terrace you have the view of Milad tower.
Details of this villa
- 650 Sq. building area
- 850 Sq. meters land area
- 3 levels
- Fully renovated
- green yard area
- 5 bedrooms
- 3.5 bathrooms
- Fully renovated outside façade
For Tehran apartment, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.