If you are looking for rent villa in Tehran , this post is for you. This Villa for rent in Tehran is in middle part of Zafaraniyeh area.
The villa is in the end part of a dead end with lots of trees and green area around it. When you enter the outside door of the villa, you have beautiful garden area with trees. There is enough parking space for 3 cars in the garden. A few steps will take you to the living room area. In the first level of the villa, you have the living room area with casual sofas in it. On the right side you h big kitchen. Moreover, In the owner has new replace the electrical kitchen appliance. There is also a small balcony in the kitchen.
On the second level, you have the bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. One of the bedrooms on the second level is a master bedroom. There are big wide windows. Therefore, the natural light level in the bedrooms in living room area is suitable.
For Tehran apartment, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.