If you are looking for Tehran apartments for rent , this post is for you. This semi furnished apartment in Tehran is in Elahiyeh area.
Here is a brand new apartment with the space of 250 Sq. meters. Firstly, There are 3 bedrooms in this apartment. Moreover, in terms of common areas and amenities, this building is such a catch. There area great swimming pool sauna jacuzzi in minus floors.
When you enter the apartment, you have the living room area on the right side of you. The design of the apartment is classical . All the kitchen appliances are from Bosch brand.
Apartment in brief
- 250 Sq. meters
- 3rd floor with 1 unit per floor
- Great accessibility to Tajrish square
- swimming pool sauna jacuzzi
- Big terrace
- Bosch kitchen appliances
- Big windows
- Good light
Our website, www.tehranoffers.com, is a good source for Tehran apartment rentals ,especially properties for expatriates in Tehran.