If you are looking for rent villa in Tehran , this post is for you. This Villa for rent in Tehran is in Darrous area.
Lets check this villa in the area of Darrous. This villa consists of 2 units. The first unit is a duplex with 5 bedrooms. The2nd unit is a flat 3 bedrooms. This villa has a land size of over 1000 Sq. meters with 850 Sq. meters building area. There is a swimming pool in the -1 as well.
Details of this villa
- Independent villa
- 2 units
- 1 Duplex + 1 flat
- Indoor swimming pool
- 8 bedrooms
- 7 bathrooms
- 1000 Land area
- 850 building area
- 5 garages
- Under renovation
- 21 years old
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