Points that you should pay attention to when terminating the contract

In any transaction, one should consider the probability of the contract breaking down. Each of the two sides of the transaction can terminate the contract according to the specified conditions. But do you think terminating the contract is a simple action? Undoubtedly, this is not the case and you should know Contract termination tips.

Contract termination tips

Contract termination must go through its own process. Observing important points in this regard will help to suffer less losses. In general, it is better to terminate the contract within the framework of the law. If you want to know the contract termination tips, stay with us. If you want to rent apartment in Tehran, You can connect with Tehran Offers.

Contract termination and its different types

In the continuation of the contract termination tips, we must say that the termination of the contract includes different types. In this section, we are going to introduce you to different types of contract termination. If you want to rent Villa in Tehran, You can connect with Tehran Offers.

• There is a type of contract termination that requires the presence of the transaction parties at the time of contract termination. Termination of the contract occurs when both the buyer and the seller are present at the meeting.

• If one of the parties can prove that the other party has defrauded him in the transaction, he has the right to cancel the transaction.

• Sometimes the parties in the transaction decide to consider a certain period of time to review the conditions. During this period of time, each of the parties to the transaction has the right to terminate the transaction while there is no need to pay compensation.

• If the seller does not tell the truth to the buyer and hides it, the buyer has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract.·         • If the buyer or seller does not adhere to the obligations they have agreed upon, the other party has the right to terminate the contract.·

• If there are defects in the house that the seller has refused to mention and has somehow lied to the buyer, the buyer has the right to terminate the contract.·

• If the sold house belongs to someone else, the buyer has the right to cancel the contract.·        

• If the buyer has a long delay in paying the amount to the seller, the seller has the right to terminate the contract.

When does the tenant have the right to terminate the contract before the contract expires?

From the Contract termination tips, we can mention this, there is a type of contract termination in which the tenant can terminate the contract before the end of the contract. But when does the tenant have this right? When the lessor or the landlord made promises to the tenant while renting the house, but did not fulfill those promises. In this situation, the tenant can end the contract early.

Also, if the landlord has lied about the facilities and conditions of the house and the tenant later finds out that the landlord’s promises were false, he can terminate the contract. We should also mention that if the rented house is not habitable, the tenant can terminate the contract before the end of the term. If you want to rent office in Tehran, You can connect with Tehran Offers.

When can the lessor terminate the contract?

Another point of contract termination is that lessors can terminate the contract under certain conditions. For example, if the lessor has set certain conditions for renting a house and later it turns out that the tenant does not meet those conditions, the lessor can terminate the contract.

On the other hand, if the tenant delays paying the rent and this delay reaches more than three months, the lessor has the right to terminate the contract. If you want to rent building in Tehran, You can connect with Tehran Offers.


Is it possible to cancel the contract before handing over the house?

This question is asked by many people that is it possible to cancel the contract before handing over or taking over the house? In response, we must say yes. It is much easier to cancel the contract before handing over or taking over the house. The terms of termination of the contract in this case include the situation where the lessor or the tenant lied about their conditions or their claim is not consistent with reality.

Does the person who terminates the contract have to pay damages?

Apart from the cases that were mentioned as contract termination tips, if one of the parties to the transaction intends to terminate the contract for no reason and without logical support, he must pay compensation and damages. The other party to the transaction suffers in this situation and must receive damages. Therefore, if there is no legal permission to terminate the contract and one of the parties wants to terminate the contract, he must pay the penalty.

This amount is determined at the time of signing the contract and is mentioned in the lease. Therefore, the amount of damage must be paid according to the same amount recorded in the contract. If you want to rent short term apartment in Tehran, You can connect with Tehran Offers.

Termination of the contract must be done quickly and decisively

One of the most important points of contract termination is that this action must be done very quickly and decisively by one of the parties to the transaction. Any delay in terminating the contract can cause the loss of his right to terminate the contract. If you want to rent penthouse in Tehran, You can connect with Tehran Offers.

You must go to court to terminate the contract

Another point of termination of the contract is that each of the parties to the transaction, who intends to terminate the contract, must issue a request to the court for this action. After examining your request, the judge asks the parties to the transaction for evidence and documents and listens to their statements. As a result, a final judgment is issued to terminate the contract.

It is very important that the termination of the contract is done by legal authorities and in writing. Termination of the contract verbally and only with the presence of the parties to the transaction has no validity, and this action must be done in court and under the supervision of legal authorities. If you want to rent apartment in Elahiyeh, You can connect with Tehran Offers.


There is a possibility of contract termination in any transaction. The lessor or the lessee may refuse to rent the house for any reason. Therefore, they can terminate the contract according to the defined rules. Termination of the contract must be done within the framework of applicable law, otherwise it will not be valid, therefore it is necessary to learn the points of termination of the contract.

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