If you are looking for Tehran rental apartments , this post is for you. This furnished apartment Tehran is in upper part of Ajudaniyeh area.
Lets check this apartment which has a space of 200 Sq. meters. The apartment has 3 bedrooms, in which 1 of them is a master bedroom. This apartment is on the 3rd floor with 2 units per floor.
When you enter the apartment, you have the living room and TV room area on the left side of you. The owner has put together mostly classical sofas in the living room area. The main sofa set has wooden fabric. Moreover, The TV room area has L-shape sofa set in light green color.
On the right side of the entrance there is the area for bedrooms and balconies. Additionally, there is a separate small laundry room as well. In the main bedroom, there is a lovely balcony with a barbecue grill in it.
For Tehran apartment, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.