If you are looking for Tehran rental apartments , this post is for you. This furnished apartment Tehran is in upper part of Jordan area.
Firstly, this building is almost 3 years old. There are three units per floor. The unit is on the second floor. When you Enter the apartment you have nice living room area. The owner has put together casual sofas with light cream color. The style of the sofa is casual and really compliments the apartment very well. The kitchen is on the right side of the entrance. Even though the kitchen size is small, the owner has put all the essential items in the kitchen. You have the main appliances and cutlery items in the kitchen.
There is 1bedrooms in this apartment . Essentially, The flooring of the bedrooms are of simple color tiles as well. Finally, this building has an international spirit. The owner has rented most of the units to either diplomats or expatriates from international background.
For Tehran apartment, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.