If you want apartment for rent Tehran , this post is for you. This furnished apartment in Tehran is in northern part of Kamraniyeh area.
This building is in north Kamraniyeh street. The building is very close to the main street. The apartment is on the 1st floor. The owner has newly renovated the apartment fundamentally. In the living room area, the owner has implemented casual sofa in white leather fabric. All the flooring in the apartment is of dark brown parquets. In the TV room area there is a casual sofa in dark brown color. Just beside the TV room, there goes a beautiful back yard area. In the yard you have a lovely outdoor swimming pool. Additionally, the landlord has properly renovated the kitchen with white color cabinets.
Apartment in brief
- 3 bedroom
- 200 Sq. meters
- outside swimming pool
- Major renovation
- white color cabinets
- parquet flooring
For Tehran apartments, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.