If you are looking for Tehran rental apartments , this post is for you. This furnished apartment Tehran is in northern part of Niavaran area.
Firstly, the location of this building is very close to Jamshidiyeh park. Because of its proximity to the mountains and a big park like Jamshidiyeh , the weather quality in this area is good. The Apartment in on the 4th floor of the building with only 1 unit per floor. The space of the apartment is 205 Sq. meters which is a bit small considering the fact that there are 4 bedrooms here.
When you enter the apartment, You have the living room and kitchen area in front of you. In the living room all the furniture, sofas and carpets have classical style.. On the right side of the living room there is an open kitchen. On the left side of the entrance, you have the bedrooms court. 2 of the bedrooms in this apartment area master bedroom. Moreover, There is a swimming pool in -2 floor. Since the number of residents are so few, you can reserve the swimming pool for your family.
apartment in brief
- Close to Jamshidiyeh park
- clean weather
- 1 unit per floor
- 2 master bedrooms
- classical sofas
- Swimming pool
For Tehran apartment, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.