If you want apartment for rent in Tehran in Jordan area, this post is for you. This furnished apartment is on lower part of Jordan area.
This Furnished apartment has a space of 155 Sq. meters with 3 bedrooms. The apartment is on the second floor with 2 units per floor. Even though the building has an age of 20 years, the interior looks very new. The landlady has properly renovated the flooring with light brown color.
When you enter the apartment, you have the living room area on the right side. There is casual sofas in pink color there. Moreover, in the kitchen you have nice little white tile on the walls. The quality of the cabinets is also good. Beside the kitchen, you have a cozy area for TV room. Additionally, the landlady has put together casual sofas with light grey color for this part.
For rent apartment in Jordan Tehran, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.