If you want to rent office in Tehran in Jordan, this post is for you. This office for rent in Tehran is Molla Sadra area.
Lets check this office space in Tehran Vanak square area ready for rent. Obviously, Vanak area is among the most popular areas for office renting. Its among the business centers in Tehran with great accessibility to different areas in Tehran. From Vanak you can reach to Haghani highway, Vali asr street and Jordan street,
This office space is on the 3 floors with only 1 unit per floor. The layout of the office is flat. You do have a 24 hour lobby man at the entrance of the building.
Office in brief
- 650 Sq. meters area
- 3 Rooms
- 10th floor with 1 unit per floor
- 5 bathrooms
- 12 garages
- Wide view of the city
- Semi flat
For rent office Tehran, see more properties in our website: www.tehranoffers.com.