Famous Local Markets in Tehran | Fantastic Street Bazaars in the Capital

Behjat Abad Local Market

Local Markets Are Everywhere

Those who are addicted to shopping and are always on the lookout for the most outstanding items and the best discounts will have a difficult time traversing the hectic capital of Iran. If you know where to look, Tehran has a bazaar to satisfy any and all of your shopping needs and desires, whether you’re looking for food, tourist trinkets, antiques at a discount, or stuff for the home that you use every day. This section highlights some of the most notable and famous local markets in Tehran.

Local Markets in Tehran-1

Famous Local Markets in Tehran

With a population of over 20 million, Tehran offers a wide variety of places to buy, from centuries-old bazaars to ultra-modern, lavish retail centers and even street sellers. Tehran is the first and the last stop before leaving the country, but rather than going directly to the airport, travelers often stock up on necessities there. They will thus be able to find the best trinkets and handicrafts, clothing and jewelry, antiques, and renowned Persian carpets if they look for famous local markets in Tehran. In this post from TehranOffers, we help you make the most of your time shopping while living in Tehran. It provides some shopping recommendations particular to Tehran.

You won’t find a single individual in Iran who doesn’t appreciate the convenience of the local marketplaces. In Tehran, they are among the largest bazaars in the Middle East, and they sell practically everything you might desire at prices that are far lower than those in shopping malls and other enclosed shopping areas.

Local Market for Condiment

You may shop for items such as apparel, jewelry, rugs, cuisine, technological gadgets, souvenirs, and more. Here is our list of famous local markets in Tehran. To have the most fantastic experience, it’s better to visit them on weekdays, not weekends!

Tehran Grand Bazaar

First things first, Tehran Grand Bazaar is a famous local market in Tehran for some reasons. The Tehran Grand Bazaar’s more than 20,000 shops and 10 kilometers of winding alleys make it resemble a maze. In this bazaar, which is one of the most famous local markets in Tehran, it is pretty simple to get lost. The renowned carpet market is located not far from the main entrance. There are several carpet sellers here who would welcome you to go over their exquisite Persian carpets and have a cup of tea in their stores.

The Tehran Grand Bazaar is divided into numerous sections, each of which sells a specific product type, such as textiles, leather, housewares, gold, jewelry, etc. There are a lot of little alleyways all throughout the market. Visitors seldom have the same degree of success while shopping at the Tehran Grand Bazaar as residents do. However, you must visit Tehran at least once a year if you want to really understand what it’s like to buy there.

Why Grand Bazaar Is Considered One of The Famous Local Markets In Tehran

The 12th district of Tehran is home to the historic market known as the Tehran Grand Bazaar. The famous and venerable Grand Bazaar was founded by the Safavid dynasty, which governed Iran from 907 until 1135. The basic structure of the Tehran Bazaar was built, according to the reports discovered in numerous historical texts, under the rule of Shah Tahmasb I Safavid. According to Tani al-Dawlah, Fat’h Ali Shah Qajar oversaw the construction of both the market’s major and minor squares. Certain portions of the bazaar were built under the rule of Fath Ali Shah Qajar.

Grand Bazaar

This led to the expansion of the whole bazaar complex, which was ultimately extended to include the Grand Mosque and the fortress. Eventually, the most affluent and well-known sector of the large bazaar was the region between the citadel and the Grand Mosque. There are both conventional and modern architectural features in Tehran’s Grand Bazaar, including twisting passageways, many arches, and traditional vents. These components are placed adjacent to one another and work well together.

  • Address: 15 Khordad Street, District 12, Tehran
  • Closest Metro Station(s): 15 Khordad Metro Station, Imam Khomeini Metro Station, Sa’adi Metro Station

Tajrish Local Market

As a scaled-down replica of the enormous Tehran Grand Bazaar, the historic and roofed Tajrish Bazaar is situated right on Tajrish Square. The atmosphere at this market for photography, which is one of the most famous local markets in Tehran, is overwhelming due to the abundance of colors, fragrances, perfumes, and sounds. Running around the many lanes and market booths of this bustling local market is a fantastic opportunity to learn about local culture and have fun.

Tajrish Local Market’s Features

With its brick arches and turquoise accents, Tajrish’s old market is an adobe structure that will astound you. Tekye Tajrish seems to be a rectangle and has an elevated central stage. It is located close to the western entrance. Additionally, it has circuit chambers on two levels (called Hojreh in Persian). The alcove, known as the Shah-neshin, is situated on the western side, and there are four to six chambers on each side.

Tajrish Local Market

Where Is Tajrish Local Market Located

On the southernmost point of the Alborz mountain range stands Tajrish Square, the center of the Shemiranat district. Additionally, it is located at the end of Vali-e Asr Avenue, Tehran’s longest avenue that stretches from south to north. Two of Tehran’s busiest areas are the Tajrish square and its bazaar, where a lot of people go every day to shop and have fun. The Tajrish market in Tehran is a must-see destination and is popular with travelers from within and outside of Iran. You won’t have any problem locating this attractive medieval market if you have a map-reading mind!

  • Address: Tajrish Square
  • Closest Metro Station(s): Tajrish Metro Station

Parking-e Parvaneh Local Market

Parking-e Parvaneh, AKA Passage Parvaneh, or eve “Jomeh Bazar,” is one of Tehran’s most historic markets, located at its eponymous location on Jomhouri Street. The market, which consists of a shop area and a multi-level parking structure, leads a routine life throughout the workweek. The passage takes on a totally different image on Friday, overflowing with the brilliant colors of arts and crafts and focused mainly on the past, even if it is just enough to end the week.

Parking-e Parvaneh Local Market

On Fridays, parking in the lot is prohibited because, early in the morning, a variety of groups of young and old peddlers and salespeople arrive there and start setting out their wares on a parking lot in search of the crowd of eager customers and potential buyers who will be attending the vibrant market in the following hours. This market has grown in prominence and is now known as “Jomeh Bazar” ever since the Mayor’s administration decided to forbid street vendors and peddlers from working on Manouchehri Street and in the Sed Esmal market and to relocate them here around 15 years ago.

Why Parvaneh Is Considered One Of The Famous Local Markets In Tehran

The new “Jomeh Bazar” has grown into one of the famous local markets in Tehran with its own salespeople, clientele, and even culture. The Jome Bazaar, commonly referred to as the Friday Market, will be an attractive alternative if you’re interested in shopping in Tehran on a tight budget. As the event’s name suggests, this specific vendor fair is only available on Fridays. Hundreds of stallholders and vendors bring their items to Parvaneh Parking, a multi-story parking garage located on Jomhouri Street, in order to sell them. You may find literally hundreds of various goods at the Parvaneh Friday Market, including apparel, antiques, Iranian souvenirs, copperware, records, vintage things, locally made arts and crafts, and more.

  • Address: Jomhouri Avenue and Ferdowsi Street
  • Closest Metro Station(s): Sa’adi Metro Station, Ferdowsi Metro Station, Imam Khomeini Metro Station

Behjat Abad Local Market

Behjat Abad market is one of the unique Bazaars in the middle of Tehran where tropical fruits and special food items are sold. This is the best place for vegetarians, and you must come here to buy vegetarian food such as vegetarian sausage. You may buy fresh fish, freshly caught shrimp, and sushi from this market where located in the middle of Tehran.

Nowadays, many people in Tehran are interested in consuming cuisine from different nations, and as a consequence, restaurants can be found in almost every district in Tehran. If you have a preference for Far East meals, you should first visit the Behjat Abad market since it has everything you need to prepare sushi, for example. You may get sushi, miso soup, lobster bisque, French lettuce salad, salmon, and hundreds of various sorts of seafood at Behjat Abad’s bazaar, which is recognized as one of the famous local markets in Tehran.

Why You Should Visit Behjat Abad’s Local Market

The difficulty of preparing ingredients for Korean and Chinese cuisine has been significantly lessened for a long time due to the existence of marketplaces like Behjat Abad. If you like cooking for yourself, this market has everything you could possibly need to prepare a fantastic Asian or seafood dinner.

What Can You Find In Behjat Abad As One of The Famous Local Markets in Tehran

However, there is a more extensive range of ingredients for Asian cuisine. It should be mentioned that this market includes a selection of Italian pasta and pesto sauces, most of which can be obtained at a price that is deemed to be reasonable. Aside from these, the market in Behjat Abad also offers a variety of specialty fruits, each of which has a distinct customer; examples include bananas from Ecuador and pineapples from Africa.

Behjat Abad Local Market

Despite selling so many diverse items, this market is seldom active. Customers find it more convenient to make their orders over the phone and have their items delivered to their houses by a delivery service since the market is located in an area that is subject to traffic limitations. Be confident that all of the things are in excellent shape, and don’t let the market’s lack of activity worry you.

  • Address: At the corner of Valiasr Square and Karimkhan Street
  • Closest Metro Station(s): Valiasr Square Metro Station, Haft-e Tir Metro Station, Ferdowsi Metro Station

Shanb-e Bazaar

Shanb-e Bazaar, the market that only operates on Saturdays only, is one of the famous local markets in Tehran that is located on Ashrafi Esfahani Avenue. The Shanbe Bazaar, with about 80 stalls, is held on Saturdays every week in a barren and open field. The relatively large land near the market has a parking capacity of about 200 cars. Also, Imam Ali Mosque is near this market and adds to the beauty of the local market.

To go to Shanbe Bazaar, you can take a bus or a taxi from Pounak Square to Ashrafi Esfahani Square and reach the market with a light walk. In this place, you may buy all kinds of necessities. The quality of goods in this market is average, and you should be careful while purchasing pricey items.

Shanb-e Bazaar

Imam Hossein Bazaar; Famous Local Market for Used Furniture

Imam Hossein Square is one of the main squares of Tehran city, which is home to one of the most famous local markets in Tehran. This square, located in the middle of the capital, is known as the second-hand furniture market. Those who do not spend a fortune or are looking for second-hand and vintage items for their home should visit this square and get their necessary items. One of the favorite parts of Tehran’s Imam Hossein Square, which at first sight attracts the audience like a magnet, is the second-hand carpets that are being sold by the sellers of this market.

Imam Hossein Bazaar; Famous Local Market for Used Furniture

Although they are old and faded, they can be interesting for those interested in old but gold carpets. It is necessary to know that this historical square is connected to Enghelab Street from the west, Damavand Street from the east, and Hefdah Shahrivar Street from the south, which makes commuting and shopping easier for people and tourists.

When Buying In Famous Local Markets In Tehran

As a final word, we must point out that due to Tehran’s twenty million population, famous local markets in Tehran are much more crowded than shopping malls and modern shopping centers. Many people, even from other cities and provinces, come to these markets to buy, which adds to their crowding. So if you plan to spend a day in these markets, expect to encounter many people and try to go to these markets very early in the morning.

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